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Supertee Elite 120 Kicking Tee

Supertee Elite 120 Kicking Tee

Supertee Prince II NSW Kicking Tee

Supertee Prince II NSW Kicking Tee

Availability: In Stock


The upper teeth of the SUPERTEE Throne kicking tees are designed to enable kickers to place the ball at almost any angle for effortless contact with the ball’s sweet spot!

  • The SUPERTEE range creates a regular height to kick the ball from.
  • The sweet spot of the ball is clearly exposed to the kicker
  • The SUPERTEE range is very light so there is almost no impact on contact.
  • A special mix of materials have been incorporated into the design to hold the ball firmly on the tee, yet allowing the ball to slip off easily when the ball is kicked.

Supertee Throne IIP Kicking Tee

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