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Realign Xcelerator Max Cushioning Innersole

Realign Xcelerator Max Cushioning Innersole

Availability: In Stock

GENDERS: Male, Female

ARCH TYPES:Flat Foot, Low Arch, Normal Arch, High Arch

LOOKING FOR: Cushioning, Comfort


EFFECTIVE RELIEF FOR:  Shin Pain, Flat Feet, Back Pain, Ball of Foot Pain, Heel Pain, Achilles Pain

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: Remove existing innersole from footwear. Trim Realign innersole to desired length. Place into footwear and gradually increase usage.

The Workforce Elite innersole has been specifically designed by podiatrists to offer the latest in innersole technology for the active worker. The superior design and fabrication makes the innersole ideal for extended periods of standing and walking, providing the wearer with support, comfort and shock absorption. A breathable top-cover assist in keeping the foot cooler and drier for longer which makes this innersole ideal for wearing in safety footwear.

Realign Workforce Elite

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