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Adrenalin 2P Thermo Shield Beanie

Adrenalin 2P Thermo Shield Beanie

Adrenalin 2p Thermo Shield Sox

Adrenalin 2p Thermo Shield Sox

Availability: Out Of Stock
  • 2P Technical Polyfleece: a hydrophobic (repels water) material that dries in a flash because it can't hold water. This provides protection against wind-chill where most rashies will actually make you colder because wind-chill is 25x more effective on a wet surface.
  • 170% 4-Way Stretch: Adrenalin's 2P boasts significant levels of stretch and one touch of a 2P garment confirms that. 170% basically means that 1m of material can stretch to 1.7m without deformation - this level of stretch comfortably covers the entire range of human anatomy.
  • Inner Fleece: a plush-inner lining completes the package by way of it's supple feel against the skin but it's not just for comfort as it assists in wicking water away from your skin.
  • 50+ UPF Rating: TGA compliant ultraviolet protection factor, blocks at least 98% of radiation.
  • Flat-lock Stitched Seams: as the name suggests, this seam is flat but the real glory lies in it's unrivalled durability.

Adrenalin 2P Thermo Shield Hood

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